David Pogue Tested 47 Pill-Reminder Apps to Find the Best

See David’s full review and video here.

People are dying of what doctors call non-adherence—basically, not following instructions.

And you don’t have to be old and feeble to have trouble. When I was recovering from a kidney stone last year, my doctor told me to take ibuprofen, two pills, four times a day; phenazopyridine, one pill, three times a day; ciprofloxacin, two pills twice a day; docusate sodium, one capsule, three times a day; and solifenacin succinate, one pill, once a day.

Seriously? You’d need a spreadsheet.

Now imagine that you’re on 10 prescriptions. Or 20.

The point is: There should be an app that reminds you of what to take when, and records your adherence. In fact, there is an app like that—at least 47 of them, actually. I know, because I bought, installed, and tested every single one, on a quest for the best.

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