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Medisafe Logo on Green Background

Patients’ #1 Digital Companions – On Time and On Budget

[…] an Effective RFP 7 Questions to Ask Digital Vendors Use these tips and criteria for your RFP questions and know what answers to demand from qualified partners. Pharma’s Latest Successes Patient Support, Reimagined Watch how digital accelerates patient support solutions while lessening the burden on care support teams. Build Vs. Buy Myths Here’s everything pharma […]

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Medisafe Press Release

Medisafe Launches New Program, Mediscoveries, Providing Unique Insight Into Medication Management Performance

ORL ANDO, FL – February 12, 2019. Medisafe, the leading medication management platform with over five and a half million registered users, announced today a new program providing insights into medicine management behaviors and drug efficacy called Mediscoveries. For over six years Medisafe has amassed proprietary data on medication adherence on over two billion […]

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Medisafe Logo on Green Background

Medisafe App Becomes First to Add ‘Import from Pharmacy’ Capability in Latest Effort to Break Down Health System Barriers

Medisafe App Becomes First to Add ‘Import from Pharmacy’ Capability in Latest Effort to Break Down Health System Barriers

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Medisafe Logo on Green Background

Google smartwatch is latest frontier for medication adherence app developer

Google smartwatch is latest frontier for medication adherence app developer

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Medisafe Press Release

Medisafe Project Increases Users’ Medication Adherence Rate to 81%

[…] recording their use of cholesterol lowering Statins, the adherence rate is 34.25% higher than the general population. The implications are far-reaching for consumers’ health, healthcare providers’ costs, and pharmaceutical companies’ revenues in the $25 billion Statins market, including Pfizer’s Lipitor, Merck’s Mevacor and generics. Medisafe Project launched in November 2012 as the first mobile […]

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Arkansas-Results for Medisafe

Study: Navigating the Flooded Adherence App Marketplace: Rating the Quality of Medication Adherence Apps

To view the original study, click here. Study rationale and Background Medication nonadherence leads to an estimated 125,000 deaths and costs $100 billion annually in the US. There is a vast pool of tools, including medication adherence apps, which are now available to help patients manage their regimens. However, many of these apps available […]

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Medisafe News

Phone App Gets More Adults to Take Their Blood Pressure Medication

[…] adults. Researchers reported the findings Saturday at the American Heart Association’s Joint Hypertension 2018 Scientific Sessions in Chicago. The app alerts users when to take their blood pressure medications and tracks self-reported adherence, according to the study’s lead investigator Rolin L. Wade, a registered pharmacist and senior principal at the health care research firm IQVIA, which […]

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Managing Multiple Conditions and Medications

Every day, more than 130 million Americans are living with multiple conditions which often requires juggling multiple medications and navigating the myriad of side-effects and contraindications of medication use. On average, 27% of emergency room visits were due to adverse reactions from medications, underscoring the need for better guidance for patients who are managing […]

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Medisafe Sleep

Study: Mobile Phone Apps to Improve Medication Adherence: A Systematic Stepwise Process to Identify High-Quality Apps

Originally published in JMIR Mhealth and Uhealth (, 02.12.2016 Study Rationale and Background Medication nonadherence leads to an estimated 125,000 deaths and costs $100 billion annually in the US. There is a vast pool of tools, including medication adherence apps, which are now available to help patients manage their regimens. However, many of these […]

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Medisafe Results Presented at ISPOR

IQVIA Study Showing More Than Two-thirds of Chronic Disease Patients Became Adherent After Using Medisafe Presented at ISPOR 2019

Further findings from Medisafe’s ongoing scientific study conducted by IQVIA was presented at the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) 24th Annual International Meeting and showed clinically and statistically meaningful results across two standard healthcare industry adherence metrics: MPR, which tracks frequency of refill, where an MPR of 1.0 corresponds to a […]

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